Centrica joins Supply Chain Sustainability School

To ensure we uphold ethical, social and environmental standards in our supply chain, we've joined the Supply Chain Sustainability School. 

Every year we spend billions of pounds with thousands of suppliers – from buying parts to keep our customers’ homes running smoothly to building Distributed Energy and Power sites that give large-scale energy users like businesses, the ability to take control over their energy.

We have a responsibility to ensure these products and services are sustainable, so we work closely with our supply chain to ensure they have high ethical, social and environment standards.

That is why we have become partners with the Supply Chain Sustainability School. 

The School is a world-class collaboration with over 45 partners, focused on developing sustainable supply chains. By partnering with the School, our supply chain will be able to access a wealth of knowledge to build their skills and take action on sustainability through tailored support such as online resources and workshops. We will also be able to collaborate with other partners to help establish best practice approaches to effectively manage new and emerging issues, such as modern slavery.

Becoming partners of the School, builds on work we have been doing to reduce risk and increase transparency and reliability in our supply chain. For example, we have embedded responsible clauses in supplier contracts, conducted independent online risk assessments and undertake on the ground audits. 

Bilal Shaykh, Centrica’s Chief Procurement Officer said: “As a leading energy and services company and a good corporate citizen, we are well placed to satisfy the changing needs of our customers and deliver positive impact for wider society. However, to succeed in the 21st century, we must continuously evolve how we do business – from improving our customer service to embedding sustainability across our supply chain. We are therefore delighted to become a partner of the Supply Chain School, which will help encourage collaboration and long term sustainable growth throughout our supply chain.”

Shaun McCarthy, Chair at the Supply Chain Sustainability School said: "With their expertise in energy and services, Centrica are an industry player of strategic importance for the UK and we are delighted to welcome them into the School as a Partner. We look forward to helping support and develop the work they are already doing around key supply chain issues such as risk and transparency." 

Find out more about our approach to creating sustainable supply chains and being a good corporate citizen