Centrica Energy

Energy Movers by Nature

Securing energy supplies for our customers in an uncertain world is becoming more challenging.

That’s why the work done by our energy marketing and trading colleagues is so important, not just for our business but for whole communities too. Because we have millions of customers, we must make sure we have enough supply, sometimes years in advance. And we have to look for energy from a wide range of sources.


Power Assets


Trading Markets





We currently trade power across 22 European countries and gas across 15 countries.
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To service our clients across Europe and optimise our 24/7 trading activities, we have main offices in London, UK and Aalborg, Denmark, as well as branches in Norway and Sweden and subsidiaries in Germany and Singapore.

Trading is our passion and with our disciplined team we're achieving amazing results that place us amongst some of the most successful energy trading teams in Europe. I'm proud to be part of such a dedicated and passionate trading team that both sets the bar high and delivers on our ambitions’