Power to the People - a podcast from Centrica - episode 2

Power to the People - a podcast from Centrica - episode 2

EPISODE 2: Connected car, connected home, connected customer

In this second episode of ‘Power to the People, we begin by joining Jon Tickle in his own home.  His car is parked outside and he's reflecting on his own domestic environment and his energy arrangements. He tells us that, personally, as a customer, he wants to find out how he could improve his carbon footprint in an affordable way. He is determined to find out what is possible now, and what is to come in the future. Jon also lets us know that, as a data architect at Centrica, his work is about trying to find out the best way to serve the ‘customer’, using data and information to make intelligent decisions on their behalf.  The podcast offers him the chance to explore this further in making personal decisions about his own energy use, and examining the relationship between tech and humans in moving forward to a carbon neutral future.

There’s a smart energy future ahead of us, where we will be connecting our electric vehicles – our mobility – in a very holistic way to our home energy to deliver flexibility and optimisation when it comes to our energy usage.   

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