Pittsburgh going Green on Earth Day 50th Anniversary with Direct Energy

Pittsburgh going Green on Earth Day 50th Anniversary with Direct Energy

The Western Pennsylvania Energy Consortium (WPEC), one of the nation’s leaders in initiating the voluntary purchase of green power, has announced that these Western PA household named organizations will be sourced from 100% renewable energy for Earth Day. Direct Energy Business, a leader in delivering renewable energy products to customers is working with the Consortium to deliver a renewable solution to these respected members.

The Western Pennsylvania Energy Consortium, led by the City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, The Sports and Exhibition Authority, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh and Carlow University, continues to be an energy leader, now demonstrating excellence in renewable energy.

Direct Energy will acquire and retire locally sourced renewable energy attributes generated directly from a new Pennsylvania solar farm, equivalent to one day’s consumption from the 120,227 MWhs annually used by consortium members. This is the equivalent to eliminating 118 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide produced by cars.