Celebrating World Environment Day

Centrica's Head of Environment, Jim Rushen, talks about the importance of World Environment Day and what we're doing to mark the occasion.  

Every year, millions of people celebrate the United Nation’s World Environment Day (WED). It’s an important day in the calendar because it encourages worldwide environmental awareness and action that helps protect our planet. With reports that global warming is proceeding at a rate unprecedented for over a thousand years and as many as 30-50% of all species heading towards possible extinction by 2050, it’s an issue we can’t ignore. 

But it’s not too late for everyone to get involved and take meaningful action. That’s why Green Teams and Environmental Champions across Centrica, ran a series of WED events for our people to share our strong environmental commitments and show how all of us can make a positive environmental impact – whether it’s at work, at home or somewhere in-between. 

Earlier this week at our Windsor headquarters’ for example, we ran a number of interactive environmental activities. These included how to cut carbon emissions from energy by using innovative products like Hive to give greater control and understanding over energy, how to improve office recycling  through waste segregation games and how to boost biodiversity by building bug hotels and learning about the fauna, flora and flourishing habitats alive in our meadow.

Meanwhile, our Renewables team in Grimsby rolled-up their sleeves to litter pick in the local community and revived a flower bed to support the local wildlife. Colleagues at our British Gas office in Staines also got involved by promoting green travel schemes such as our pooled electric vehicles and bike to work programme while inspiring employees to pledge their commitment for a more sustainable world.

This is all part of being a responsible business and a good corporate citizen. And below, I’ve chosen some of my own highlights which demonstrate our ongoing environmental commitment to safeguard the environment - from helping our customers reduce their energy consumption and costs to securing energy supplies sustainably.

  • We calculate that products we’ve installed for our UK customers since 2008 have helped save emissions equivalent to the average annual emissions of 5.9m UK homes.
  • We surpassed our ambitious target to reduce our internal carbon footprint by 20% from 2007, achieving an overall reduction of 27% and we’re now aiming for a further 20% reduction by 2025.
  • We have one of the lowest carbon intensities for power sold to UK customers which is 33% lower than the UK average, with 54% coming from low carbon sources. 

Together, I’m confident we can better protect our planet. We’re committed, are you? Learn more about Climate Change.