Centrica response to Queen's Speech

Centrica response to Queen's Speech

Sam Laidlaw, Chief Executive, Centrica said:

"We welcome the plans and proposals the Government has put forward in the Queen's Speech to boost our energy security and to help decarbonise UK energy - both in power generation, and in homes and businesses."

Mr Laidlaw added:

Green Deal

"We welcome the Green Deal and the increased ambition for energy efficiency, which will help households and businesses cut their energy use, create thousands of new jobs and help to meet carbon reduction and fuel poverty targets.

"In order to realise the Green Deal's potential, we as an energy supplier will work closely in partnership with local authorities to deliver a community approach and with customers to deliver an integrated ‘whole house' solution, co-ordinated with the national roll-out of smart meters. We welcome the recognition that a new financing mechanism needs to be put in place so that people can pay for their energy efficiency upgrades over time through their energy bills, and from the savings they will make.

"British Gas has the capability, capacity and willingness to invest in the new green economy. In the last five years alone we have insulated 1.5 million homes and delivered over 100 million energy efficient products. We stand ready to deliver even more in the future and we are creating 3,700 new jobs to deliver expert advice, smart meters, home insulation and to install microgeneration in homes and businesses.

Smart Grid

"We look forward to the Government bringing forward its proposed framework to guide the development of a ‘smart grid' for both electricity transmission and distribution across the UK. A more flexible network will support the development of significant additional intermittent wind power. It will also enable households and businesses to maximise the benefits from the introduction of smart meters and microgeneration, including exporting surplus electricity back into the local network.

Offshore infrastructure access

"The proposed steps to improve third-party access to offshore pipeline infrastructure are an important step in maintaining the UK's indigenous security of energy supply. Significant volumes of North Sea gas and oil remain to be developed, so measures that ensure fair access to sub-sea pipelines and offshore infrastructure are needed to ensure these hydrocarbons can be economically produced.

Regulation of carbon emissions from coal-fired generation

"We welcome the proposal for regulation of carbon emissions from coal-fired power stations, which have around twice the carbon intensity of new gas-fired plant. There will also be a need for new gas-fired electricity generation to provide the flexibility and security to back-up the very significant wind energy capacity planned for the future.

Clearer customer bills

"We are keen to work with Government and the regulator to help simplify bills for our customers, ensure they are accurate and make them more transparent. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the amount of information on bills often as a direct response to EU legislation. From July, all customers will receive an annual statement that will include specific information on annual consumption, costs and price comparisons."