Over the past two decades the British Gas Energy Trust, the independent charitable trust funded solely by British Gas, has supported millions of people suffering from the detrimental impact of fuel poverty. 

Since 2020, the Trust has been able to triple the number of people they could support with financial help and advice.

The Trust commissioned a report by Oxford Economics which found that, over the past four years, it has created £264 million in societal benefits across the nation, supporting the wellbeing and financial stability of those who need it most.

The Report in Numbers

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BGET’s total investment since 2004


individuals have benefitted in the last four years


in societal benefits across the nation

4 out of 10

direct grant recipients live in the 20% most deprived areas of the UK


of recipients reported better satisfaction with their lives after support


to the exchequer through tax revenue and savings to the NHS

The purpose of the British Gas Energy Trust is to alleviate the detrimental impact of fuel poverty through three main programmes:

  1. Direct grants programme, helping people to clear fuel debt arrears;
  2. Financial Assistance Payments (FAP) programme, offering fuel vouchers directly to individuals and families
  3. The Supporting Communities at Risk Programme (SCARP) which funds charity advice agencies across Britain who provide holistic money and energy advice to individuals who have been disproportionately impacted by fuel poverty. This includes those with additional needs such as electrical medical health requirements or disabilities.


"We had a clear goal for the Trust when it was set up 20 years ago – to alleviate the detrimental impact of fuel poverty."

Jessica Taplin CEO, British Gas Energy Trust

To find out more to apply for financial grants or support from the British Gas Energy Trust, visit: https://britishgasenergytrust.org.uk/who-can-apply/

The British Gas Energy Trust: Alleviating the impact of fuel poverty.

Alleviating the Impact of Fuel Poverty Report