Cris Walker, EM&T Scheme

Joined:  August 2019

Stream: Energy Marketing and Trading Analyst (EM&T)

Studied: Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath

Current Placement: Quantitative Risk team

Why I chose Centrica: I have always had an interest in the energy sector as I believe cheap and sustainable energy can solve lots of the pivotal problems around the world; salt water could be economically desalinated to ease the effects of droughts and food could be readily grown anywhere in the world in vertical farms to aid famines. Centrica lies at the heart of the energy sector, making it the perfect place to pursue my interests. Centrica’s activities throughout the value chain provide great and varied opportunities and working in EM&T offers excellent exposure to how the energy markets work and their fundamental drivers.

What I enjoy most about my work: I particularly like how interconnected the different energy markets are and how much they impact and are impacted by global current events. This makes trying to analyse trends and predict how fundamental factors are going to evolve incredibly interesting.

Highlight of the grad scheme so far: I have really enjoyed working on and leading various projects which have added tangible value to the business. Solving complex and challenging problems is extremely rewarding, particularly when you can do so with such great people.
Advice to applicants: Research the key drivers behind the supply-demand relationship in the energy sector and consider how changes in these drivers would impact the market.